Presenting with Eric Gonzales, Leo did an incredible job organizing the event so that it ran smoothly. It was no easy task to manage the presentation and the 12 breakout group discussions that came along with the unprecedented number of attendees. PRIDE would like to extend a special thanks to the 10 additional students who volunteered to facilitate small group case discussions: Brenda Villareal, Gilbert Vazquez, Jennifer Leet, Christopher Lam, John (Jack) Flores, Elisha Hwang, Kiersten Westhart, John (Philip) Palmer, Dustin Green, and Shaoli Chaudhuri.
With Leo's hard work, PRIDE is more than ever becoming a student organization truly inclusive of other health disciplines. We are very excited to continue fostering the relationships between the School of Nursing, School of Medicine, and Department of Physician Assistant Studies. We also hope to reach out to other departments with talented individuals such as Leo.